Brewsday Tuesday
Brewsday Tuesday
Episode 566: Cheese Weirdo

Sam goes to bat for old candy, Zach has workman experiences, and Tyler celebrates his 500th episode by telling a complete non-story about a mad lady at a wedding.

Chobani + Anchor

The dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of

Minnesota stacking dubs

Brewsday Tuesday
Brewsday Tuesday
Episode 564: The Spite Show

Tyler records a terrible one-man show because he can.

Brewsday Tuesday
Brewsday Tuesday
Episode 563: Long Tube of Onion

Sam brings back the bracket, Mary is off to the opera, and Tyler just doesn’t want to get yelled at by a mom.

Party Pirates


Dragon Fighter

Brewsday Tuesday
Brewsday Tuesday
Episode 562: Spooky Sailor Boy

Brian gives a tattoo tour, Sam has two separate mundane experiences, and Tyler needs to be talked into wearing a suit to a wedding.

US Beer Logos

Catfish Shotgun

Cold Beer

Brewsday Tuesday
Brewsday Tuesday
Episode 561: Da Chainsaw Crew

Sam doesn’t shave his ‘stache, Zach meets a man with rough hands, and Tyler puts some dude on blast.

He is the real american

old ass bread beer

More anchor news somehow

Brewsday Tuesday
Brewsday Tuesday
Episode 560: Thinking with Bortles

Tyler insists on MAGA fuck-marry-kill, Sam brings back everyone’s least favorite game, and Borys has chafed nips.

This lady needs non-Jesus

More Air Travel reporting

Black owner beer, noice

Brewsday Tuesday
Brewsday Tuesday
Episode 559: Bring Me the Kelp Man

Sam drinks Matthew McConaughey, Tyler brags about his trading card some more, and Mitch has done even more traveling.

Drinking makes you popular

Spent Grain Science

The beer shortage no one cares about

Brewsday Tuesday
Brewsday Tuesday
Episode 557: Two Separate Facts About Smithers

Zach didn’t hear no bell, Tyler rehashes some world wars, and Sam amuses with stories of his children harming themselves.

More AI

More Shitty Capitalism

More Shitty Lawsuits

Brewsday Tuesday
Brewsday Tuesday
Episode 556: Fight or Flight

Borys keeps his child alive another month, Sam thinks he could vanquish a goat, and Tyler attends the recording.

Kinda Judgy

Bock Fest

Minimal Coverage